Fortifying Europe's response to infectious threats

Our project brings together the expertise of EVA, ERINHA, and ELIXIR, uniting forces to create a robust framework for pandemic preparedness . . .

EVORA project

Our Mission

EVORA is building resilience for pandemics, addressing critical needs linked to viral emergence, mitigating collateral effects such as fragmented research, regulatory obstacles, and governance issues.

Unified Operations

We are unifying our research infrastructure operations for optimal responsiveness, sustainability, and global competitiveness. This involves harmonizing procedures, creating a comprehensive online catalog, and implementing shared quality management guidelines.

Strengthening Capacity

EVORA endeavors to enhance the EU's capacity for pandemic preparedness research and response to viral diseases. This involves establishing a coherent and sustainable infrastructure framework that improves readiness at both fundamental and preclinical levels, strengthening the EU's capacity for coordinated research and action in the face of infectious disease threats.

A robust EU framework

EVORA aspires to offer a sustainable, operational alliance. This partnership is designed to provide tailored, integrated resources and preclinical research services, responding specifically to the study of viral pathogens with epidemic or pandemic potential.

Addressing Challenges

EVORA recognizes the specific regulatory, ethical, and security challenges related to emerging pathogens. The project is committed to providing a solid framework for regulatory compliance, navigating complexities, and contributing to the evolution of policies and regulations.

About Us

EVORA (European Viral Outbreak Response Alliance)

The EVORA Project is an initiative at the forefront of pandemic preparedness and response. In a world facing escalating risks from emerging pathogens, including viruses with epidemic and pandemic potential, EVORA stands as a beacon of collaboration and innovation.

Our mission is clear: to build a comprehensive and coordinated framework that fortifies the European Union's capacity for concerted research and action in the face of infectious disease threats. EVORA aims to address the pressing needs associated with viral emergence, mitigating collateral effects such as fragmented research, regulatory obstacles, and governance issues.

EVORA aspires to offer a sustainable, operational alliance dedicated to providing customized, integrated resources and preclinical research services tailored to the study of viral pathogens with epidemic or pandemic potential.

Expected Results:

  • A robust EU framework comprising sustainable infrastructures.
  • Common governance and decision-making mechanisms.
  • Concerted action plans for pandemic responses.
  • A common language in virology enhancing collaboration & data sharing.
  • A comprehensive online catalog for easy access to resources.
  • Unified procedures and quality standards for biobanking and high-containment facilities.
  • Recommendations for harmonized policies and regulations.


EVORA's work-packages (WPs) form the backbone of our strategic approach to pandemic preparedness and response.

Each WP is meticulously designed to address specific aspects crucial for building resilience against viral threats. From establishing governance structures and enhancing synergies between research infrastructures to developing regulatory compliance frameworks and engaging with industry, EVORA's WPs cover a spectrum of activities aimed at fortifying Europe's capacity to combat infectious diseases. Explore further to discover how each WP contributes to our mission of safeguarding public health and securing our future against pandemics.


Project management & coordination RP1&2

Ensuring the smooth operation and coordination

These work packages oversee the day-to-day management and coordination of the EVORA project. Tasks include ensuring compliance with EC regulations, coordinating activities among consortium members, managing financial administration, and developing a comprehensive Data Management Plan. In summary, WP1 & WP2 establish the framework for efficient project execution and coordination.


Dissemination, Communication, and Exploitation RP1&2

Maximizing the visibility and impact of the project

These work packages aim to boost EVORA's visibility and impact. Activities include crafting communication plans, creating materials, managing online presence, and engaging with stakeholders. Dissemination efforts span conferences, publications, webinars, and industry outreach. Results will be shared widely and stored in an online repository for accessibility.


Paving the way for EVORA’s sustainability

Securing the project's Future

Focuses on securing its sustainability and long-term impact. Objectives include solidifying EVA's position, forming a collaboration agreement, and engaging with decision-makers. Key tasks involve establishing legal entities, drafting collaboration agreements, and communicating with stakeholders to ensure ongoing support and awareness. Through strategic planning and engagement, EVORA aims to pave the way for sustained success in pandemic preparedness and response.


Coordination of EVORA’s operations and support to user

Coordinated support for viral threats

Plays a central role in EVORA by preparing coordinated support for users during inter-crisis and viral outbreak conditions. Tasks include establishing operational modes, developing administrative frameworks, and testing EVORA's responsiveness. Key actions involve defining governance structures, designing access modalities, and drafting legal frameworks. Through simulation exercises and evaluation, WP6 aims to ensure EVORA's readiness to effectively respond to viral outbreaks and provide seamless support to users.


Common language unifying EVORA online material and service sharing

Simplifying access to data and resources for research in virology.

Aims to establish a common language and facilitate access to data and resources for research in virology. Tasks include creating a project ontology for describing virological material and services, developing web applications based on this ontology, and providing guidelines for data management in the virology community. Additionally, it involves maintaining data providers and workflows for data deposition, as well as creating web applications to facilitate user access to EVORA's resources.


Quality Management System

Quality Management and Self Assesment

Focuses on homogenizing and improving the service offer through shared quality management guidelines, ensuring compliance with quality standards for biobanking and experiments in high containment facilities. It involves defining QMS standards applicable to virus collections, data management, and service provision, as well as measuring implementation through audits, workshops, and self-assessments to optimize and ensure compliance with EVORA's quality guidelines.


Policy recommendations for pathogen preparedness: Nagoya Protocol, open data, DSI

Regulatory Compliance Solutions

Focuses on policy recommendations for pathogen preparedness, particularly addressing Nagoya Protocol compliance, transparency in digital viral resource management, and the intersection of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and WHO Pandemic Preparedness Accord. Tasks include engaging with authorities for Nagoya compliance, developing a roadmap for digital viral resources, and translating EVORA's science for EU and international policymakers. The aim is to ensure compliance, transparency, and harmonization in managing viral resources and data for global health preparedness.


From Research Use Only to IVD-R: how to fill the gap through ISO certification

Paves the way for pandemic-ready diagnostics

Focuses on bridging the gap between Research Use Only (RUO) laboratory-developed diagnostic assays and In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation (IVD-R) requirements. Tasks include qualifying lab-developed tests, reviewing regulations, and testing the performance of in vitro diagnostics (IVDs) during epidemics or pandemics. The goal is to prepare and validate protocols for diagnostics qualification, harmonize legal and regulatory components, and develop guidance for performance testing of IVDs in outbreak situations. Ultimately, the aim is to adapt diagnostics for epidemic and pandemic preparedness activities, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.


Ethical & security considerations: Responsible use of animals for scientific purposes and handling of dual-use pathogens

Forging ethical standards and security protocols

Focuses on ethical and security considerations in scientific research. It aims to establish criteria for selecting user projects involving animal use and dual-use pathogens, ensuring compliance with legal and ethical standards. The initiative addresses the responsible use of animals, analyzing ethical review processes and proposing specific requirements for project selection. Additionally, it tackles the handling of dual-use pathogens, examining national and international regulations and seeking solutions for cross-border exchange challenges. The outcomes will inform EVORA's shared procedures and contribute to future policy-making in these areas.

EVORA’s inter-disciplinary approach
EVORA’s inter-disciplinary approach


The work planned in EVORA will revolve around the three pillars of synergy, interoperability and regulation, in line with our objectives

General organization of the EVORA project and Pert chart
General organization of the EVORA project and Pert chart
Our Partners

The EVORA project partners are 3 Research Infrastructures(RIs)

Our partners bring together diverse yet complementary expertise, forming the foundation of EVORA's integrated approach to pandemic research and resource provision. EVORA, comprised of three partner Research Infrastructures (ELIXIR, ERINHA, EVA), leverages this collective expertise through collaboration and innovation. Together, they aim to strengthen Europe's capacity for pandemic preparedness and response, safeguarding global health and security.

European Life-science Infrastructure for Biological Information


ELIXIR specializes in data management and bioinformatics, providing essential support for organizing and analyzing large-scale life science data. Their expertise ensures efficient data sharing and collaboration, enhancing research outcomes in pandemic preparedness and response.

Further details about ELIXIR...
European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents


ERINHA is a key player in high containment research, offering state-of-the-art facilities and expertise for studying highly pathogenic agents. Their focus on biosafety and biosecurity ensures the safe handling of dangerous pathogens, contributing significantly to pandemic readiness.

Further details about ERINHA...
European Virus Archive


EVA is a leading research infrastructure specializing in the collection, preservation, and distribution of viruses for scientific research. With extensive experience in virus resource provision, EVA plays a crucial role in facilitating access to viral materials essential for pandemic preparedness and response.

Further details about EVA...
EVORA Active Members

EVORA's active members span our 3 partner RIs

EVORA is built upon three partner Research Infrastructures (ELIXIR, ERINHA, EVA), each consisting of numerous partner institutions. Among these, the following institutions are actively engaged in the EVORA project . . .

Click on the logos of our active members to visit their websites

Let's talk about your project
We are excited to start our collaboration !

Coordination of the project

Emerging Viral Diseases
Aix-Marseille Université - IRD_190 - Inserm_1207 EFS - IRBA
Medical Faculty
27 boulevard Jean Moulin
13385 Marseille cedex 5 - France

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